On Tue, 29 May 2007 06:25:40 -0400, Michael Henry

> > Matthew Winn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ???? 2007-05-29 16:10:57:
> >> That's the wrong attitude. This is the Internet. You're supposed to
> >> insist that you know better than everyone else even if they've been
> >> using the Internet for decades, and you have loads of lurkers who
> >> support your point of view but they're all too scared of The Clique
> >> to speak up, and when you're in charge you'll Show Us All.
> > 
> > I feel you're talking friendly and for good. But due to my poor English
> > proficiency I don't seem to catch what you said.  
> I think your English is good.  Even native speakers sometimes have
> difficulty detecting sarcasm[1], which is notoriously easy to overlook
> in written language.  I'm quite sure Matthew was being sarcastic here,
> and was actually complimenting your behavior by "stating the opposite of
> the intended meaning" (as the Wikipedia article on sarcasm explains it).

I was; it hadn't occurred to me that it might not be clear to everyone
whose first language isn't English. The point I was making is that the
Vim list is civilised about discussions like this, unlike most places.

I've seen similar debates elsewhere where the top-poster's response
has been along the lines of "This is my Internet on my computer; I'm
going to behave how I want and I don't care how much trouble I cause
for other people."

Matthew Winn

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