Just my 2 eurocents. :)

On Thu, Jul 26, 2007 at 20:56:54 +0000, Bram Moolenaar wrote:
[ --- runtime/doc/eval.txt      Wed Jul 25 21:05:56 2007 ]
> ! matchdelete({id})                          *matchdelete()* *E802* *E803*
> !             Deletes a match with ID {id} previously defined by |matchadd()|
> !             or one of the |:match| commands.  Returns 0 if succesfull,

> ! setmatches({list})                                  *setmatches()*
> !             Restores a list of matches saved by |getmatches()|.  Returns 0
> !             if succesfull, otherwise -1.  All current matches are cleared

[ --- runtime/doc/pattern.txt   Tue Jul 24 15:47:01 2007 ]
> !             Also see |matcharg()|and |getmatches()|. The former returns
                                    | a

> !             matches (aside from |:match|, |:2match| and |:3match|are
                                                                    | a


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