Mikolaj Machowski wrote:

>Dnia wtorek 11 wrzesieĊ„ 2007, Ed S. Peschko napisaĊ‚:
>>hey all,
>>Is there a way of searching through multiple buffers? ie: I'd like a
>>derivative of '/' to be able to span files, ie: if it doesn't find it in
>>one file, it goes to the next in the bufferlist, and so on..
>>Having the ability to autosave if it exits the buffer would be cool
>If files are sharing common element in name you can use:
>:vimgrep /re/ {namewithwildcards}
>For buffers you can also use
>:bufdo vimgrep /re/ %
>But it has few downsides: matches for all files will be saved into
>separated quickfix lists, Vim will remember only last ten lists.
>But you could probably write some simple script to save all data in
>external error list and later load it.
>:help quickfix
>:help location-list
Well, I was going to suggest

:let qlist=[]
:bufdo silent vimgrep /pattern/ % | call add(qlist,getqflist())
:call setqflist(qlist)

Unfortunately, the formats for what getqflist() delivers and setqflist() 
takes are different, and beating them into compatiblity is more than I 
want to attempt at the moment.

Chip Campbell

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