> > I have added new commands to Vim (i.e. to ex_cmds.h) and I would like
> > them to be properly highlighted when I edit .vim files (e.g. .gvimrc).
> >  I looked at runtime/syntax/vim.vim and from a comment therein I
> > gather that this file is automatically generated, so I don't dare to
> > add my commands "manually".  My question is how do I generate this
> > file?  Or can I just add my new commands directly to it?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Björn
> Auto-generated or not, you should never make alterations directly in any file
> in the $VIMRUNTIME directory tree, because any patchlevel upgrade may
> overwrite your changes with no warning, and when you eventually upgrade to Vim
> 7.2 or Vim 8.0, the whole $VIMRUNTIME tree will be re-created from scratch at
> a different location (with a path ending in .../vim72/ or .../vim80/ instead
> of .../vim71/), losing any changes you might have made days, weeks, months or
> even years before.
> To make changes to the settings set by any script under $VIMRUNTIME, put them
> in a script of the same name at the same relative place under (Windows)
> ~/vimfiles/after or (Unix) ~/.vim/after : so, to make changes to the behaviour
> of $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/vim.vim, place your tweaks in (for example on Unix)
> ~/.vim/after/syntax/vim.vim -- that script will be sourced immediately after
> the distributed one, whenever the latter is sourced.
> -- and if any of the required directories doesn't yet exist, create it.

I'm sorry, but I should have been a bit clearer in my first post.  I
really do need to modify the runtime files as I am working on a new
port of Vim for the Mac.  So I still would like to know how the
syntax/vim.vim file is generated.


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