ap wrote:

>On Sep 21, 2:53 pm, "björn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>I have added new commands to Vim (i.e. to ex_cmds.h) and I would like
>>them to be properly highlighted when I edit .vim files (e.g. .gvimrc).
>> I looked at runtime/syntax/vim.vim and from a comment therein I
>>gather that this file is automatically generated, so I don't dare to
>>add my commands "manually".  My question is how do I generate this
>>file?  Or can I just add my new commands directly to it?
>One line vim syntax/vim.vim suggests, that it is generated by
>called 'mkvimvim'. I am shure the author of the syntax file knows
>more about this.
mkvimvim is a script which extracts a number of functions, commands, and 
whatnot from the vim documentation and generates about half of 
syntax/vim.vim.  You should place any syntax highlighting additions into 
~/.vim/after/syntax/vim.vim .

Chip Campbell

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