Mikołaj Machowski wrote:
> Dnia 10-06-2008 o godz. 6:04 Gautam Iyer napisał(a):
>> On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 01:55:04PM +1000, John Beckett wrote:
>>> It would be a pointless waste of development time to do much more with
>>> floats in Vim, IMHO.
>> I *strongly* agree! Apart from the basic operations, the rest can be
>> left to vim-perl/python/ruby/etc. Please don't bloat Vim.
> Strongly agree too. Asked for floor/ceil/trunc/round as *strictly* 
> related to floating point operations, introduction of the rest is waste 
> of precious developer time.
And, for variety -- I strongly disagree!

"Maintaining" floating point functions such as sin(), cos(), etc -- 
well, those are extremely simple function calls to make to library 
functions that compilers already provide, so it wouldn't surprise me if 
they were written-once-never-touched-again functions.  Extra size would 
come from the often dynamically loaded shared libraries -- ie. providing 
such functions would only barely increase the size of vim (although they 
could increase the runtime image size, but only if the functions were 
actually invoked).

Whereas, requiring a vim to include the interfaces to 
python/ruby/pick-your-poison ... well, now you're talking real bloat (as 
in increasing the vim executable size).

Chip Campbell

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