Gary Johnson wrote:
> On 2008-08-22, bjrn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> This may not be the right place for this post, but it seems like I've
>> come across a bug so I am posting here.
>> If I type
>> :args file1.m file1.h file2.m
>> then I expect the arglist to have the file appear in the order I
>> specified, but instead the arglist is in this order:
>> file1.m file2.m file1.h
>> For some reason the arglist groups files with the same extension
>> together and thus completely breaks the order I so carefully specified
>> to :args.
>> Is this a "feature" or a bug?  It feels like I must have overlooked
>> something, but what?
> I don't have the complete answer, but it appears to be a "feature".  
> ":help {arglist}" says, in part,
>    The wildcards in the argument list are expanded and the file 
>    names are sorted.
> Nowhere, however, can I find where "sorted" is defined.

:help 'suffixes'

explains that, I think.

However, in my books, if filenames are given explicitly without
wildcards, no sorting should be done. In fact, I would think that
sorting should be done for each wildcard independently, not the
aggregation of them. E.g. *.h *.c should have all .h files first and all
.c files next. *.[hc] should be sorted according to suffixes, or
otherwise alphabetically. That's my two cents.


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