On 19/11/08 08:13, Dominique Pelle wrote:
> 2008/11/19 Tony Mechelynck<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> On 18/11/08 22:29, Dominique Pelle wrote:
>> [...]
>>> But I can simplify the way to reproduce it. It happens whenever
>>> I do a visual selection in between:
>>> - selecting text in clipboard with the mouse
>>> - and pasting with middle click.
>>> Example:
>>> 1/ start vim with valgrind:   valgrind 2>   valgrind.log  vim -u NONE
>>> 2/ select some text with mouse outside vim (one line is enough)
>>> 3/ enter INSERT mode in vim and type some text:   iThis is a test<Esc>
>>> 4/ visual select line typed in 3/  with:   V
>>> 5/ click middle mouse to paste text selected in 2/
>>> Observe errors in valgrind.log right after middle mouse click in step 5/
>>> I see this with Vim-7.2.42 (normal or huge, GTK2) on Ubuntu-8.10
>>> as well as Vim-7.1.314 (GTK2-GNOME) on Ubuntu-8.10
>>> I tried on 2 other machines:
>>> - vim-7.2.42 (huge, GTK2 GUI) on  openSUSE 10.3 :  no bug
>>>     observed, valgrind does not complain either (I tried several times)
>>> - vim-7.2.42 (huge, GTK2 GUI) on Ubuntu-7.04 : no apparent bug
>>>     but valgrind reports errors as soon as I paste text in step 5/
>> [...]
>> What do you have 'clipboard' set to? (The default is "autoselect", which
>> will make Vim try to get ownership of the X11 selection at step 4).
>> Best regards,
>> Tony.
> 'clipboard was set to default, since I run "vim -u NONE", which is...
> clipboard=autoselect,exclude:cons\|linux
> But if I do...  set clipboard=
> ... then bug no longer happens.
> But more interestingly, I just found that it only happen with locale
> being set to eo_XX.UTF-8. It always works fine at least with locale
> being C or en_US.UTF-8 or fr_FR.UTF-8 for example.  But as soon
> as I set locale to eo_XX.UTF-8, then I see the problem all the time.
> I tried several times to make sure it was really the case.  Now I
> know why I'm the only one who could reproduce it.
> Maybe it's related to this....
> http://groups.google.com/group/linux.debian.bugs.dist/browse_thread/thread/b759a75978bc890b
> The file /usr/share/X11/locale/locale.dir contains a comment which says....
> # Esperato (eo) is not supported by the GNU C Library and neither the
> # EO nor XX territories exist in ISO 3166.
> # en_US.UTF-8/XLC_LOCALE:                       eo_EO.UTF-8
> # en_US.UTF-8/XLC_LOCALE:                       eo_XX.UTF-8
> Not sure why Esperanto (*Esperato* is a typo in the file by the
> way) is not supported by GNU C lib.
> I edited my file /usr/share/X11/locale/locale.dir as follows,
> just uncommented the lines about Esperanto, and now
> everything works fine in vim with eo_XX.UTF-8 locale
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/share/X11/locale$ diff -c locale.dir.orig locale.dir
> *** locale.dir.orig   2008-11-19 08:03:48.000000000 +0100
> --- locale.dir        2008-11-19 08:00:58.000000000 +0100
> ***************
> *** 353,360 ****
>    en_US.UTF-8/XLC_LOCALE                     en_ZW.UTF-8
>    # Esperato (eo) is not supported by the GNU C Library and neither the
>    # EO nor XX territories exist in ISO 3166.
> ! #en_US.UTF-8/XLC_LOCALE:                    eo_EO.UTF-8
> ! #en_US.UTF-8/XLC_LOCALE:                    eo_XX.UTF-8
>    en_US.UTF-8/XLC_LOCALE                     es_AR.UTF-8
>    en_US.UTF-8/XLC_LOCALE                     es_BO.UTF-8
>    en_US.UTF-8/XLC_LOCALE                     es_CL.UTF-8
> --- 353,360 ----
>    en_US.UTF-8/XLC_LOCALE                     en_ZW.UTF-8
>    # Esperato (eo) is not supported by the GNU C Library and neither the
>    # EO nor XX territories exist in ISO 3166.
> ! en_US.UTF-8/XLC_LOCALE:                     eo_EO.UTF-8
> ! en_US.UTF-8/XLC_LOCALE:                     eo_XX.UTF-8
>    en_US.UTF-8/XLC_LOCALE                     es_AR.UTF-8
>    en_US.UTF-8/XLC_LOCALE                     es_BO.UTF-8
>    en_US.UTF-8/XLC_LOCALE                     es_CL.UTF-8
> ***************
> *** 846,853 ****
>    en_US.UTF-8/XLC_LOCALE:                    en_ZW.UTF-8
>    # Esperato (eo) is not supported by the GNU C Library and neither the
>    # EO nor XX territories exist in ISO 3166.
> ! #en_US.UTF-8/XLC_LOCALE:                    eo_EO.UTF-8
> ! #en_US.UTF-8/XLC_LOCALE:                    eo_XX.UTF-8
>    en_US.UTF-8/XLC_LOCALE:                    es_AR.UTF-8
>    en_US.UTF-8/XLC_LOCALE:                    es_BO.UTF-8
>    en_US.UTF-8/XLC_LOCALE:                    es_CL.UTF-8
> --- 846,853 ----
>    en_US.UTF-8/XLC_LOCALE:                    en_ZW.UTF-8
>    # Esperato (eo) is not supported by the GNU C Library and neither the
>    # EO nor XX territories exist in ISO 3166.
> ! en_US.UTF-8/XLC_LOCALE:                     eo_EO.UTF-8
> ! en_US.UTF-8/XLC_LOCALE:                     eo_XX.UTF-8
>    en_US.UTF-8/XLC_LOCALE:                    es_AR.UTF-8
>    en_US.UTF-8/XLC_LOCALE:                    es_BO.UTF-8
>    en_US.UTF-8/XLC_LOCALE:                    es_CL.UTF-8
> But why those lines were commented out in the first place
> is not clear? I'll report that as bug in Ubuntu or Debian.
> It's not vim's fault after all.  In any case, issue is now solved
> for me.
> -- Dominique

In the locale.dir distributed by SuSE (with openSUSE 11.0):

lines 319-326:
en_US.UTF-8/XLC_LOCALE                  en_US.UTF-8
en_US.UTF-8/XLC_LOCALE                  en_ZA.UTF-8
en_US.UTF-8/XLC_LOCALE                  en_ZW.UTF-8
en_US.UTF-8/XLC_LOCALE                  eo_EO.UTF-8
en_US.UTF-8/XLC_LOCALE                  eo_XX.UTF-8
en_US.UTF-8/XLC_LOCALE                  es_AR.UTF-8
en_US.UTF-8/XLC_LOCALE                  es_BO.UTF-8
en_US.UTF-8/XLC_LOCALE                  es_CL.UTF-8

lines 760-767:
en_US.UTF-8/XLC_LOCALE:                 en_US.UTF-8
en_US.UTF-8/XLC_LOCALE:                 en_ZA.UTF-8
en_US.UTF-8/XLC_LOCALE:                 en_ZW.UTF-8
en_US.UTF-8/XLC_LOCALE:                 eo_EO.UTF-8
en_US.UTF-8/XLC_LOCALE:                 eo_XX.UTF-8
en_US.UTF-8/XLC_LOCALE:                 es_AR.UTF-8
en_US.UTF-8/XLC_LOCALE:                 es_BO.UTF-8
en_US.UTF-8/XLC_LOCALE:                 es_CL.UTF-8

Note that the second set has colons after XLC_LOCALE, the other not.

The string eo_EO occurs /in toto/ 4 times in the file (the other two are 
for ISO8859-3).

Eble la ubuntuestroj kal/aŭ la debianestroj estas tutsimple 

Best regards,
GOD is applied POWER
     which is applied GOVERNMENT
        which is applied POLITICS
            which is applied ADVERTISING
                which is applied SOCIOLOGY
                    which is applied PSYCHOLOGY
                        which is applied BIOLOGY
                            which is applied CHEMISTRY
                                which is applied PHYSICS
                                    which is applied MATH
                                        which is applied PHILOSOPHY
                                            which is applied BULLSHIT

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