In message <> you wr
>2008/12/11 Matias Larre Borges:
>> With the original implementation, if the system ran out of memory in
>> the middle of the join and couldn't allocate a new line with enough
>> space for the resulting concatenation. Then the operation would be
>> aborted but we still would had the first half of the lines beeing
>> joined in one line.

>The same problem would happen if we press Ctrl-C while joining:

I noticed this when I discovered the original problem.  I guess ideally
Ctrl-C while a command is being executed should leave everything
unchanged.  However, undo seems to work fine, so I don't think its
too much of an issue in practice.  I guess one option would be to
automatically undo if Ctrl-C is detected.  Someone familiar with the
undo implementation (not me) could have a shot at this (some code
near the end of do_do_join() would probably do the trick).

>we can maybe remove the check for Ctrl-C while joining lines?

Sounds a bit risky to me, and for marginal benefit.

>O(n^2) to O(n*log(n)) is certainly a major speed up.

I'll be mentioning it in my Algorithms and Data Structures subject next
semester for sure.  I'm very happy to have made a (small) contribution
to a great system - thanks guys!  Now, are there any instructions on how
to unsubscribe...


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