On Feb 7, 1:00 pm, Ingo Karkat <sw...@ingo-karkat.de> wrote:
> Which takes us back to the original topic of this thread: There are many
> different plugins in various states (mostly of disarray), and it's hard for
> users to judge the applicability and how well it is being maintained.

On Feb 7, 7:14 pm, "Agathoklis D. Hatzimanikas" <a.hat...@gmail.com>
> a. Reusable and efficient code. A stable API that it's main purpose will
>    be first to avoid duplicate code and then to provide efficient and
>    maintainable code to developers and users.
> b. Plugin management. A similar concept with cpan, luarocks, rubygems,
>    etc...

I personally think part of the problem is that vim is a rather fragile
environment (because it's a really versatile editor that can adapt to
different usage styles). A script that works well for me doesn't
necessarily work for you because you use different options etc. and
IMHO it is too much to ask from script authors to take into account
all possible options.

So the solution to this "problem", if it really exists, seems to me to
be rather a social evolutionary one in that script authors should get
better feedback on their scripts, and users should provide more/better
feedback (instead of simply uninstalling the script and moving on to
the next one). In conjunction with a slightly improved assessment
system, in time bad plugins would disappear and good plugins would be
ranked top.

The karma points were a nice system to get an idea of how good a
script is. But there is room for improvements. Eg scripts could lose
karma points (or votes) over time in order to weed out unmaintained
scripts. Also, some people seem to have manipulated the karma points
(eg check out the powershell files) -- I guess you wouldn't even have
to write your own script if you used curl. So maybe there should be a
captcha for people who want to vote on a script. And maybe 1 to 5
stars + number of votes would give people a more concise idea of a
script's quality.

My 2c. Have a nice Sunday. :-)

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