On Sun, May 03, 2009 at 02:50:52AM +0200, Tony Mechelynck wrote:
> On 01/05/09 00:11, Wu, Yue wrote:
> >
> > I don't know the web relating technology, but I think 2html can use the tag
> > file of the current document, and then make all |foo| and *foo* in the
> > document as a hypertext? Is it hard to implement?
> >
> Well, in Vim help files, |this| is indeed a link, but so is 'that'. 
> However, where it gets complicated is that not only [range] is a link, 
> but also that you can double click (or hit Ctrl-] on) any word anywhere 
> in the help text, and if there is a tag by that name (or if there isn't, 
> a tag containing that name) you'll be brought to it. But if you 
> linkified any word which appeared as a tag, you'd sometimes get 
> preposterous results. For instance, in the HTML help 
> http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/ any occurrence of the pronoun 
> "it" is linkified, because there is a text object named "it" (inner HTML 
> tag block) and it has a tag.

We can make things simple: make all *foo* become <target=foo>*foo*</taget>,
and all |foo| to <ref=foo>|foo|</ref>

    *foo* => <target=foo>*foo*</taget>

    |foo| => <ref=foo>|foo|</ref>

I don't know html, it's my wrongly syntax example :)

Though maybe fully hyperlink support is complicated, but we can support some
simple cases firstly.

Wu, Yue

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