On 2010年07月20日 20:30, Bram Moolenaar wrote:

James -

I wonder if you noticed this problem: When I tear-off a menu in GTK, for
example the Help menu, the buttons don't do anything.

I have the same problem in Vim 7.2 and 7.3b, it might have something to
do with the GTK version.  I can't recall when it stopped working.

Can others reproduce this problem?  Does someone know how to fix this?

Works with CentOS5.4 + gtk2.10.4 + vim73.

Not work with Ubuntu10.04 + gtk2.20.1-0ubuntu2 + vim73.
With other application "Dia", tear-off menu also don't work.

This issue is the same problem?

Yukihiro Nakadaira - yukihiro.nakada...@gmail.com

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