Bram Moolenaar wrote:
> I suppose it will now be easy to support --enable-pythoninterp=dynamic
> and --enable-python3interp=dynamic
> We could wait for people to test this, but on the other hand if we want
> to do the same for ruby/tcl/mzscheme we need to do it now, next week I
> won't include patches like this.

In the same vein, I'll attaching a patch that adds dynamic support for the Lua
interface. I won't be able to test it in Windows until next week. I'm taking
the opportunity to also patch the help file.


Computers are useless. They can only give you answers.
                -- Pablo Picasso

Luis Carvalho (Kozure)
lua -e 'print(((""):gsub("(%u+%.)","")))'

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--- vim.orig/src/Makefile	2010-07-21 19:24:21.112479023 -0300
+++ vim/src/Makefile	2010-07-21 18:01:18.635456732 -0300
@@ -1314,7 +1314,7 @@
 .SUFFIXES: .c .o .pro
@@ -2488,7 +2488,7 @@
 	$(CCC) -o $@ if_xcmdsrv.c
 objects/if_lua.o: if_lua.c
-	$(CCC) -o $@ if_lua.c
+	$(CCC) $(LUA_CFLAGS) -o $@ if_lua.c
 objects/if_mzsch.o: if_mzsch.c $(MZSCHEME_EXTRA)
 	$(CCC) -o $@ $(MZSCHEME_CFLAGS_EXTRA) if_mzsch.c
--- vim.orig/src/	2010-07-21 19:24:22.927516762 -0300
+++ vim/src/	2010-07-21 18:03:00.340489646 -0300
@@ -319,6 +319,9 @@
 /* Define if you want to include the Lua interpreter. */
 #undef FEAT_LUA
+/* Define for linking via dlopen() or LoadLibrary() */
 /* Define if you want to include the MzScheme interpreter. */
--- vim.orig/src/	2010-07-21 19:24:20.199472694 -0300
+++ vim/src/	2010-07-21 19:13:47.696263464 -0300
@@ -413,11 +413,11 @@
 dnl Check for Lua feature.
 AC_MSG_CHECKING(--enable-luainterp argument)
-	[  --enable-luainterp      Include Lua interpreter.], ,
+	[  --enable-luainterp[=OPTS]     Include Lua interpreter.  [default=no] [OPTS=no/yes/dynamic]], ,
-if test "$enable_luainterp" = "yes"; then
+if test "$enable_luainterp" = "yes" -o "$enable_luainterp" = "dynamic"; then
   dnl -- find the lua executable
@@ -477,6 +477,11 @@
+    if test "$enable_luainterp" = "dynamic"; then
+      LUA_LIBS=""
+      LUA_CFLAGS="-DDYNAMIC_LUA_DLL=\\\"liblua${vi_cv_version_lua}.so\\\" $LUA_CFLAGS"
+    fi
--- vim.orig/src/if_lua.c	2010-07-21 19:24:21.292455466 -0300
+++ vim/src/if_lua.c	2010-07-22 10:32:45.396540334 -0300
@@ -41,6 +41,19 @@
+#ifndef WIN3264
+#include <dlfcn.h>
+#define HANDLE void*
+#define load_dll(n) dlopen((n), RTLD_LAZY|RTLD_GLOBAL)
+#define symbol_from_dll dlsym
+#define close_dll dlclose
+#define load_dll LoadLibrary
+#define symbol_from_dll GetProcAddress
+#define close_dll FreeLibrary
 /* lauxlib */
 #define luaL_register dll_luaL_register
 #define luaL_typerror dll_luaL_typerror
@@ -227,14 +240,14 @@
     {NULL, NULL}
-static HINSTANCE hinstLua = 0;
+static HANDLE hinstLua = NULL;
     static void
     if (hinstLua)
-	FreeLibrary(hinstLua);
+        close_dll(hinstLua);
 	hinstLua = 0;
@@ -244,7 +257,7 @@
     const luaV_Reg *reg;
     if (hinstLua) return OK;
-    hinstLua = LoadLibrary(libname);
+    hinstLua = load_dll(libname);
     if (!hinstLua)
 	if (verbose)
@@ -253,8 +266,8 @@
     for (reg = luaV_dll; reg->func; reg++)
-	if ((*reg->func = GetProcAddress(hinstLua, reg->name)) == NULL) {
-	    FreeLibrary(hinstLua);
+	if ((*reg->func = symbol_from_dll(hinstLua, reg->name)) == NULL) {
+            close_dll(hinstLua);
 	    hinstLua = 0;
 	    if (verbose)
 		EMSG2(_(e_loadfunc), reg->name);
--- vim.orig/runtime/doc/if_lua.txt	2010-07-21 19:24:25.299476540 -0300
+++ vim/runtime/doc/if_lua.txt	2010-07-22 10:07:29.127454922 -0300
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*if_lua.txt*    For Vim version 7.3b.  Last change: 2008 Aug 31
+*if_lua.txt*	For Vim version 7.3.	Last change: 2010 Jul 22
 		  VIM REFERENCE MANUAL    by Luis Carvalho
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
-:[range]luado {body}	Execute Lua function$function (line)${body}$end$ for
+:[range]luado {body}	Execute Lua function "function (line) {body} end" for
 			each line in the [range], with the function argument
 			being set to the text of each line in turn, without a
 			trailing <EOL>. If the value returned by the function
@@ -88,10 +88,10 @@
 All these commands execute a Lua chunk from either the command line (:lua and
 :luado) or a file (:luafile) with the given line [range]. Similarly to the Lua
 interpreter, each chunk has its own scope and so only global variables are
-shared between command calls. Lua default libraries$table$,$string$,$math$,
-and$package$are available,$io$and$debug$are not, and$os$is restricted to
-functions$date$,$clock$,$time$,$difftime$, and$getenv$. In addition,
-Lua$print$function has its output redirected to the Vim message area, with
+shared between command calls. Lua default libraries "table", "string", "math",
+and "package" are available, "io" and "debug" are not, and "os" is restricted
+to functions "date", "clock", "time", "difftime", and "getenv". In addition,
+Lua "print" function has its output redirected to the Vim message area, with
 arguments separated by a white space instead of a tab.
 Lua uses the "vim" module (see |lua-vim|) to issue commands to Vim
@@ -104,36 +104,39 @@
 2. The vim module					*lua-vim*
 Lua interfaces Vim through the "vim" module. The first and last line of the
-input range are stored in$vim.firstline$and$vim.lastline$respectively. The
+input range are stored in "vim.firstline" and "vim.lastline" respectively. The
 module also includes routines for buffer, window, and current line queries,
 Vim evaluation and command execution, and others.
-	$vim.isbuffer(value)$	Returns#true#if$value$is a buffer userdata and
-				$false$otherwise (see |lua-buffer|).
+        vim.isbuffer(value)	Returns 'true' (boolean, not string) if
+                                "value" is a buffer userdata and 'false'
+                                otherwise (see |lua-buffer|).
+        vim.buffer([arg])	If "arg" is a number, returns buffer with
+                                number "arg" in the buffer list or, if "arg"
+                                is a string, returns buffer whose full or short
+                                name is "arg". In both cases, returns 'nil'
+                                (nil value, not string) if the buffer is not
+                                found. Otherwise, if "toboolean(arg)" is
+                                'true' returns the first buffer in the buffer
+                                list or else the current buffer.
+        vim.iswindow(value)	Returns 'true' (boolean, not string) if
+                                "value" is a window userdata and
+				'false' otherwise (see |lua-window|).
+        vim.window([arg])	If "arg" is a number, returns window with
+                                number "arg" or 'nil' (nil value, not string)
+                                if not found. Otherwise, if "toboolean(arg)"
+                                is 'true' returns the first window or else the
+                                current window.
-	$vim.buffer($[arg]$)$	If$arg$is a number, returns buffer with number
-				$arg$in the buffer list or, if$arg$is
-				a string, returns buffer whose full or short
-				name is$arg$. In both cases, returns#nil#if
-				the buffer is not found. Otherwise, if
-				$toboolean(arg)$is#true#returns the first
-				buffer in the buffer list or else the current
-				buffer.
-	$vim.iswindow(value)$	Returns#true#if$value$is a window userdata and
-				$false$otherwise (see |lua-window|).
-	$vim.window($[arg]$)$	If$arg$is a number, returns window with number
-				$arg$or#nil#if not found. Otherwise, if
-				$toboolean(arg)$is#true#returns the first
-				window or else the current window.
-	$vim.command(${cmd}$)$	Executes the vim (ex-mode) command {cmd}.
+	vim.command({cmd})	Executes the vim (ex-mode) command {cmd}.
 				Examples: >
 					:lua vim.command"set tw=60"
 					:lua vim.command"normal ddp"
-	$vim.eval(${expr}$)$	Evaluates expression {expr} (see |expression|),
+	vim.eval({expr})	Evaluates expression {expr} (see |expression|),
 				converts the result to Lua, and returns it.
 				Vim strings and numbers are directly converted
 				to Lua strings and numbers respectively. Vim
@@ -143,12 +146,12 @@
 					:lua tw = vim.eval"&tw"
 					:lua print(vim.eval"{'a': 'one'}".a)
-	$vim.line()$		Returns the current line (without the trailing
+	vim.line()		Returns the current line (without the trailing
 				<EOL>), a Lua string.
-	$vim.beep()$		Beeps.
+	vim.beep()		Beeps.
-	$${fname}$)$	Opens a new buffer for file {fname} and
+{fname})	Opens a new buffer for file {fname} and
 				returns it. Note that the buffer is not set as
@@ -156,29 +159,31 @@
 3. Buffer userdata					*lua-buffer*
-Buffer userdata represent vim buffers. A buffer userdata$b$has the following
+Buffer userdata represent vim buffers. A buffer userdata "b" has the following
 properties and methods:
-	#o#$b()$sets$b$as the current buffer.
-	#o#$#b$is the number of lines in buffer$b$.
-	#o#$b[k]$represents line number$k$:$b[k] = newline$replaces line$k$
-	    with string$newline$and$b[k] =$#nil#deletes line$k$.
-	#o#$$contains the short name of buffer$b$(read-only).
-	#o#$b.fname$contains the full name of buffer$b$(read-only).
-	#o#$b.number$contains the position of buffer$b$in the buffer list
+	o "b()" sets "b" as the current buffer.
+	o "#b" is the number of lines in buffer "b".
+        o "b[k]" represents line number k: "b[k] = newline" replaces line k
+	    with string "newline" and "b[k] = nil" deletes line k.
+	o "" contains the short name of buffer "b" (read-only).
+	o "b.fname" contains the full name of buffer "b" (read-only).
+        o "b.number" contains the position of buffer "b" in the buffer list
-	#o#$b:insert(newline$[, pos]$)$inserts string$newline$at position$pos$
-	    in the buffer. The default value for$pos$is$#b + 1$. If$pos == 0$
-	    then$newline$becomes the first line in the buffer.
-	#o#$b:next()$returns the buffer next to$b$in the buffer list.
-	#o#$b:previous()$returns the buffer previous to$b$in the buffer list.
-	#o#$b:isvalid()$returns#true#if buffer$b$corresponds to a "real" (not
-	    freed from memory) Vim buffer.
+        o "b:insert(newline[, pos])" inserts string "newline" at (optional)
+            position "pos" in the buffer. The default value for "pos" is
+            "#b + 1". If "pos == 0" then "newline" becomes the first line in
+            the buffer.
+	o "b:next()" returns the buffer next to "b" in the buffer list.
+        o "b:previous()" returns the buffer previous to "b" in the buffer
+            list.
+        o "b:isvalid()" returns 'true' (boolean) if buffer "b" corresponds to
+            a "real" (not freed from memory) Vim buffer.
@@ -206,24 +211,24 @@
 4. Window userdata					*lua-window*
-Window objects represent vim windows. A window userdata$w$has the following
+Window objects represent vim windows. A window userdata "w" has the following
 properties and methods:
-	#o#$w()$sets$w$as the current window.
-	#o#$w.buffer$contains the buffer of window$w$(read-only).
-	#o#$w.line$represents the cursor line position in window$w$.
-	#o#$w.col$represents the cursor column position in window$w$.
-	#o#$w.width$represents the width of window$w$.
-	#o#$w.height$represents the height of window$w$.
+	o "w()" sets "w" as the current window.
+	o "w.buffer" contains the buffer of window "w" (read-only).
+	o "w.line" represents the cursor line position in window "w".
+	o "w.col" represents the cursor column position in window "w".
+	o "w.width" represents the width of window "w".
+	o "w.height" represents the height of window "w".
-	#o#$w:next()$returns the window next to$w$.
-	#o#$w:previous()$returns the window previous to$w$.
-	#o#$w:isvalid()$returns#true#if window$w$corresponds to a "real" (not
-	    freed from memory) Vim window.
+	o "w:next()" returns the window next to "w".
+	o "w:previous()" returns the window previous to "w".
+        o "w:isvalid()" returns 'true' (boolean) if window "w" corresponds to
+            a "real" (not freed from memory) Vim window.

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