Jackson Aquino wrote:

> I tested the conceal feature and noted that the concealed text of help
> files are "shown" in the cursor line (actually the character isn't
> visible since foreground and background colors are the same).
> Shouldn't the text be completely concealed since the buffer is
> nomodifiable? I'm using vim and vim-gtk:
> VIM - Vi IMproved 7.3b BETA (2010 Jul 18, compiled Jul 22 2010 14:13:18)

It was like that for a little while, but it causes the problem that
copying text didn't work correctly when searching.

I thought of keeping the conceal if the cursor is in the first column,
but when using ":help tag" commands it would not help.

Another solution would be to have an option 'concealcursor', that is
automatically reset as soon as you do anything else than moving the
cursor around.  Searches would still end in the wrong position though.

Positioning the cursor correctly will be difficult to implement.
An inefficient solution would be to redraw the cursor line on every
cursor move, and let the display function correct the cursor column,
since it encounters the column while going through the text.  This would
then be controlled by the 'concealcursor' option.

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