On Wed, Mar 16, 2011 at 02:52:19PM -0700, Jean Johner wrote:
> Hello,
> Zero comment on the below thread in vim_use.
> I think it is a bug.
> Best regards
> Jean Johner
> >Hello,
> >Using gvim in unix, "a" is by default in guioptions.
> >Yanking a word to the Unix clipboard (with "+yw) does not yank the
> >word to the Selection buffer ("*).
> >When suppressing the "a" option (with set guioptions-=a), yanking a
> >word to the Unix clipboard (with "+yw) also yanks the word to the
> >Selection buffer ("*).
> >Is there a reason for this behaviour or is it a bug ?

This was introduced with the unnamedplus setting for 'clipboard' in
patch 7.3.074.  The behavior I expect, according to the documentation,
is that "* will only mirror "+'s content when both "unnamed" and
"unnamedplus" are present in 'clipboard' and 'guioptions' doesn't
contain "a".  The attached patch should implement that behavior.

GPG Key: 1024D/61326D40 2003-09-02 James Vega <james...@debian.org>
diff --git a/src/ops.c b/src/ops.c
--- a/src/ops.c
+++ b/src/ops.c
@@ -3151,7 +3151,8 @@
 	/* No need to copy to * register upon 'unnamed' now - see below */
-	if (!clip_isautosel() && !did_star)
+	if (!clip_isautosel() && (clip_unnamed & CLIP_UNNAMED)
+	    && (clip_unnamed & CLIP_UNNAMED_PLUS) && !did_star)

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Description: Digital signature

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