Alexey, Tue 2012-02-14 @ 12:12:28-0800:
> I wanted to ask this in user list first, but have not yet received a
> response to my subscription request.
> I've found no obvious way to enable highlighting in colorcolumn's.
> I have set colorcolumn=79,80, and tried to set highlighting of
> trailing whitespace with
> syntax match WhitespaceAtEOL /\s\+$/
> When the trailing whitespace happens in columns 79 or 80, the
> background color does not change, it stays ColorColumn, and i do not
> see how to override this.
> I think the highlighting set with colorcolumn should have the lowest
> priority, or at least there should be an option to set its priority.

I think 'colorcolumn' is like 'cursorline', in that its special
highlighting is hard-coded to take precedence over most "background"
syntax highlighting. I normally have 'cursorline' turned on, and my
`ctermbg=...` highlighting never shows through the cursorline
highlighting. It's irritating, but I think it would take patching Vim to
change it, and I haven't yet been sufficiently motivated to dig into

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