Senthil Kumaran wrote:
> I am trying to compile vim from source with python
> interpreter on Ubuntu. I have installed the dependencies for
> vim, installed python2.7-devel and python2.7-dbg packages on
> Ubuntu and do the configure step like this
>     ./configure --enable-pythoninterp
> --with-python-config-dir=/usr/lib/python2.7/config
> The config directory does contain the config.c file. The make
> step fails with the following error.
>     objects/py_config.o:(.data+0xcc): undefined reference to
> `initcStringIO'
>     objects/py_config.o:(.data+0xd4): undefined reference to
> `initcPickle'
>     objects/py_config.o:(.data+0xdc): undefined reference to
> `initzlib'

I am experimenting with this at the moment so the following is
based on floundering around, not actual knowledge, however I
have recently built Vim 7.3.494 on Fedora 16 with Python 2.7.

I used following, then make:

./configure --with-features=huge --prefix=$HOME/opt \
    --enable-pythoninterp \

src/Makefile includes:
    objects/py_config.o: $(PYTHON_CONFDIR)/config.c

The file /usr/lib/python2.7/config/config.c does not contain any
of the identifiers that give the errors above, so my guess is
that you have a mixture of files from Python 2.7 and some
earlier version.


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