
Here are some fixes for errors in vim syntax highlight for multi-lined
commands found when looking through my .vimrc and other vim sources. I used
to keep lines in sources short (78 columns for vim) so i often used line

The patch against current hg version (also attached):

--- runtime/syntax/vim.vim    2012-11-11 15:56:35.733116733 +0400
+++ runtime/syntax/vim.vim.new    2012-11-11 19:35:46.579257610 +0400
@@ -152,8 +152,8 @@
 syn cluster    vimOperGroup
 syn match    vimOper
"\(==\|!=\|>=\|<=\|=\~\|!\~\|>\|<\|=\)[?#]\{0,2}"    skipwhite
 syn match    vimOper    "||\|&&\|[-+.]"    skipwhite
-syn region    vimOperParen     oneline matchgroup=vimParenSep    start="("
end=")" contains=@vimOperGroup
-syn region    vimOperParen    oneline matchgroup=vimSep    start="{"
end="}" contains=@vimOperGroup nextgroup=vimVar,vimFuncVar
+syn region    vimOperParen     matchgroup=vimParenSep    start="(" end=")"
+syn region    vimOperParen    matchgroup=vimSep    start="{" end="}"
contains=@vimOperGroup nextgroup=vimVar,vimFuncVar
 if !exists("g:vimsyn_noerror") && !exists("g:vimsyn_noopererror")
  syn match    vimOperError    ")"
@@ -328,7 +328,7 @@
 syn match    vimMapBang    contained    "!"            skipwhite
 syn match    vimMapMod    contained
contains=vimMapModKey,vimMapModErr skipwhite nextgroup=vimMapMod,vimMapLhs
 syn match    vimMapRhs    contained    ".*"
contains=vimNotation,vimCtrlChar    skipnl nextgroup=vimMapRhsExtend
-syn match    vimMapRhsExtend    contained    "^\s*\\.*$"
+syn match    vimMapRhsExtend    contained    "^\s*\\.*$"
contains=vimNotation,vimCtrlChar,vimContinue    skipnl
 syn case ignore
 syn keyword    vimMapModKey    contained    buffer    expr    leader
localleader    plug    script    sid    silent    unique
 syn case match

The error cases and explanations:

1. Source:

nmap <silent> ,h :if !exists("w:m1") <Bar><Bar>  w:m1 == 0 <Bar>
            \ ShowFormatHints <Bar> echo "Show format hints" <Bar> else
            \ HideFormatHints <Bar> echo "Hide format hints" <Bar> endif<CR>

What's wrong in highlights:
a. <Bar>'s in second line are not highlighted
b. 3rd line is highlighted differently than vimMapRhs

What's wrong in syntax/vim.vim
a. vimMapRhsExtend must contain same groups as vimRhs, i.e.
b. vimRhsExtend could span more than 1 line, i.e. it should contain 'skipnl

2. Source:

let g:WikiGlobal.nested_syntaxes = {'c': 'c', 'c++': 'cpp', 'perl': 'perl',
            \ 'python': 'python', 'sh': 'sh'}

What's wrong in highlights:
area 'c++': 'cpp' wrongly highlighted ( ++ as operator and following it ':
' as string)

What's wrong in syntax/vim.vim:
vimOperParen for "{}" is 'oneline' by some reason, why? This makes no
syntax group for symbols '{' and '}'. Removing 'oneline' makes them
correctly of 'vimSep' group.

3. Source

call add(g:TagMgrTags, map(map(map(split(s:line, '\s*::\s*'),
            \ 'substitute(v:val, "^!$", "", "")'),
            \ 'substitute(v:val, "\\([*?]\\)", "\\\\\\1", "g")'),
            \ 'expand(v:val)'))

What's wrong in highlights:
closing parens ')', ')' and '))' in 2nd, 3rd and 4th lines respectively are
highlighted with red (vimOperError)

What's wrong in syntax/vim.vim:
same as in the case 2., only for "()" parens. Why they should be 'oneline'?

Cheers, Alexey.

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Attachment: vim_syntax-20121111.patch
Description: Binary data

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