Hi Charles.

Thank you!

2012/11/14 Charles Campbell <charles.e.campb...@nasa.gov>

> Alexey Radkov wrote:
>> Hi.
>> I found another issue with vim sources syntax highlights.
>> In the following code:
>> fun! VimwikiLinkHandler(link)
>>   let link = a:link
>>   if link =~ "vlocal:" || link =~ "vfile:"
>>     let link = link[1:]
>>   else
>>     return 0
>>   endif
>>   " blah-blah
>> endif
> Hello!
> I will accept the patches (except for the duplicate patching in the last
> one, which was rejected).

Yes, the 2nd patch included the first, therefore same part in 2nd patch was

> Please try the version in http://www.drchip.org/**
> astronaut/vim/index.html#**SYNTAX_VIM<http://www.drchip.org/astronaut/vim/index.html#SYNTAX_VIM>

I tried. It works fine!

> (I don't remember why the onelines were there, I'm afraid)
> BTW, I prefer direct email contact for patches rather than via the mailing
> list.

Ok, sure. But i did not know whom i should address with that.

> Thank you for your contributions,
> C Campbell
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Cheers, Alexey.

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