воскресенье, 30 декабря 2012 г., 3:38:19 UTC+4 пользователь Dimitar DIMITROV 
> > > Hi all,
> > >
> > > I think the following might (I am testing with Vim 7.3.409) be a bug:
> > >
> > > command vim -nNX -u NONE
> > > then insert: bla:///path/to/file
> > > then, with cursor being on p, use gf
> > > It tries to open bla:///path/to/file although : is not in 'isf and 
> > > bla:/// =
> > > isn't a protocol
> >
> > I haven't checked the sources but I think this is hard coded.
> > It's intentional that this does not depend in 'isfname', so that things
> > like http:// work with the default 'isfname' value.
> >
> > Is this really a problem?
> It's an issue with puppet code which uses
>  paths like:
> puppet:///modules/module_name/my_file that maps to real paths like
> $base_path/modules/module_name/files/my_file
> I wanted to be able to use gf with 'inex in order to be able to open 'my_file'
> this is the 'inex I was trying to use: set 
> includeexpr=substitute(v:fname,'modules/.\\{-1,}/\zs','files/','')
> If puppet is the only language using this kind of paths, no, this is not a 
> real issue

As a workaround you can open this with "gf" if you setup an autocmd:

    augroup PuppetProto
        autocmd! BufReadCmd  puppet://* :exe 'e'.(v:cmdbang?'!':'') v:cmdarg 
        autocmd! BufWriteCmd puppet://* :exe 'w'.(v:cmdbang?'!':'') v:cmdarg 
    augroup END

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