> Why is 'confirm' on the list? What problems does it cause in a script, when 
> Vim would fail, but instead asks the user what to do?

Agreeing here: things I was thinking of when adding to list are easily avoided 
using &buftype or :{command}!.

> 'eventignore' also confuses me. Although it makes sense that it could cause 
> problems, ignoring it would be a very bad idea, it's only ever set by the 
> user for a specific purpose.

Wondering what purposes may make user set this option? From my experience it is 
set by plugins for temporary disabling some things and can easily be skipped to 
restore by interrupting: GLVS, netrw (:noautocmd in some cases would be better) 
(but it launches commands which result in much less calculations — and much 
less possibility to interrupt; except for one place), tar.vim (same about 
:noautocmd in some cases), vimball.vim, zip.vim. Exactly none of them bothered 
with using :try…:finally, there will be more if I examine ~/.vam (folder with 
plugins installed by VAM) in place of /usr/share/vim.

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