> How frustrating would it be, to set 'eventignore' to BufRead, to prevent Vim 
> from doing any processing on a buffer you intend to throw away anyway, only 
> to have another plugin ignore your settings and do a bunch of stuff on the 
> read anyway?

How would it happen? You need explicit :e or like in :fun-defaults function 
because otherwise &ei setting will be restored back before autocommand in 
question has a chance to be run, no matter whether :fun-defaults function is 
run from non-ignored autocmd (it cannot cover more then :autocmd body, if it 
consists solely of “:call FunDefaults(…)”, much likely it will be restored 
before any other :autocmd is run, otherwise it covers only nested 
autocommands), plain function call/mapping/command which you for some reason 
put into event-ignoring block (it is restored before you create that buffer in 
this case) or such. The only case where it will happen is making :fun-defaults 
function open the buffer for you. I know no examples of the code where you make 
third-party (your own one can be edited and thus is your problem) function open 
the buffer for you, only some of third-party processing after the buffer was 
opened; and of that kind which is done without triggering autocommands, except 
for a few Shell*.

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