Christian Brabandt wrote:

> Hi Dominique!
> On Mi, 16 Jan 2013, Dominique Pellé wrote:
>> When using equivalent class [[=x=]], I realized that what I
>> generally want, is to use it on the full strings rather than on
>> a single characters. Searching for "foobar" with...
>> /[[=f=]][[=o=]][[=o=]][[=b=]][[=a=]][[=r=]]
>> ... works but is rather unpleasant.  I wish there was a flag
>> such as \q switch on equivalent class, which would
>> work like \c for case insensitivity. So instead of the above
>> regexp, I could search for:
>> /\qfoobar
>> As far as I know \q is unused in Vim regexp, so
>> that should not break compatibility.
>> Maybe there could also be a function normalize({expr}}
>> (any better name?) that given a string with diacritics
>> "fňóbâr" returns "foobar" in similar way to tolower({expr}})
>> which returns a lowercase version of the string.
>> Before I spend time trying to do that, would it be useful
>> and accepted?
> Indeed, that looks like a useful addition.

I have no time now for that unfortunately, but maybe in a few weeks.

> I have another idea with regards to equivalence classes:
> When searching for /[[=ß=]] this should translate into /sz. But that is
> more complicated, since a search for /[s][z] wouldn't match ß (eszet)
> anymore.

You obviously speak better German than me, but isn't the German
ess-zett equivalent to ss rather than sz? I'm curious why /sz.

>> Regarding the few characters that are no longer equivalent,
>> I find it odd from a user point of view. For example U+01e4
>> to uppercase G but it is no longer equivalent to G.
>> Yet some other letters with stroke are still equivalent.
>> is still equivalent to L. It seems inconsistent, even if that's
>> what the ISO standard says. Previous behavior made more
>> sense to me for U+1e4 at least.
> Fixed with the latest patch.

Yes, I saw that. Thanks!

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