Excerpts from ZyX ZyX's message of Tue Jun 04 05:55:18 +0200 2013:
> I am no longer seeing why automatic sourcing of any python file from any
> directory should exist in case loadpyplugin() is implemented.

It would be nice if you could include your idea about that function
in your gist:

I'm interested in the following details:

- where it should install the python code to (eg ~/.vim/pip or ~/.pip)

Document a simple real world example:
  P: a plugin
  D: a dependency of P
  call loadpyplugin('P', ..) ?

- how you think a plugin writer should publish the plugin so that
  everybody can use it easily (PyPi?)

- who is responsible for setting rtp, so that syntax/* etc will work

- setting sys.path so that P and X related module will be found

- if pip is going to install something, will it ask me? (VAM does)

- if pip is going to install a dependency, do I going to ask me (VAM

- should it be possible that one plugin requires another one / two
  plugins require each other?

Marc Weber

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