On Sep 11, 2013 8:13 PM, "Wiktor Ruben" <smieciar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I use Vim 7.4.5. Let me start with some prerequisities:
>     ~ $ mkdir foobar
>     ~ $ cd foobar
>     ~/foobar $ touch foo bar baz
>     ~/foobar $ vim -u NONE foo bar baz
> Now, make the observation that:
>     :ls
>     1 %a   "foo"                          line 1
>     2      "bar"                          line 0
>     3      "baz"                          line 0
> That being so when I do:
>     :buffer foo<CTRL-D>
> I expect to see only 'foo' buffer. Instead I've got this:
>     foo ~/foobar/bar ~/foobar/baz
> I presume this happens because there is 'foo' substring in the absolute
> path for buffers 'bar' and 'baz'. This behaviour is totally wrong
> because for the sake of consistency ':buffer' should match against
> buffer name as displayed by ':ls', not file name absolute path.
> But let us assume for a moment that this behaviour is correct. Then:
>     :buffer bar<CTRL-D>
> should display analogous results (because 'bar' is a substring in the
> absolute path for all files). That is:

Not only a substring, but it also starts one component of a path. This
should be the reason.

>     ~/foobar/foo bar ~/foobar/baz
> Instead we are given only:
>     bar
> Could someone please explain me this behaviour?
> --
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