On Fri, Nov 1, 2013 at 10:05 AM, Charles Campbell
<charles.e.campb...@nasa.gov> wrote:
> I note that removing the '#\=\s*\zs' portion from the B match:
> syn clear
> syntax match MyComment '#.*$' contains=A
> syntax match A 'a' nextgroup=B skipwhite skipnl
> syntax match B 'b' contained nextgroup=B skipwhite skipnl
> highlight default link A Type
> highlight default link B Error
> highlight default link MyComment Comment
> and using it on
> # a b b b
> b b
> also shows the "b"s on the second line without highlighting.  What I think
> is happening is that MyComment matches to only one line which may contain A;
> once a newline is encountered, the MyComment match terminates, taking the A
> and B matches with it.
> I tried using the extend keyword, but that didn't affect the resulting
> highlighting.

Yes, I know that, too. But it wasn't what I was asking about. This is:

    syntax clear
    syntax match A 'a' nextgroup=B skipwhite skipnl
    syntax match B '#\=\s*\zsb' contained nextgroup=B skipwhite skipnl

    hi link A Type
    hi link B Error

There is no comment rule at all. Just an A (which can start anywhere)
and a contained B. But in:

    # a b b b
    # b b

Only the first line is highlighted. If you remove the second #, then
both lines are highlighted.

I suppose it follows a kind of logic. Normally in:

    syntax match foo /a/
    syntax match bar /aa/

bar takes precedence. However, as you mentioned, if you do:

    syntax match foo /a/
    syntax match bar /a\zsa/

foo takes precedence, even though bar is later, because bar's actual
match start doesn't cover the first character. And, a nextgroup is
required to match immediately after whatever skip settings are in
place. But even though b's pattern matches, the start of the match is
not at the first character after skipping, so it is just rejected. I
just wouldn't have anticipated that it worked that way.

-- Dan

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