Hi Bram!

On Do, 07 Nov 2013, Christian Brabandt wrote:

> On Thu, November 7, 2013 03:26, Bram Moolenaar wrote:
> > Thanks.  Are you scared of the number 100? :-)
> kind of. The more tests we add, the harder it is to find one, that can
> be used for adding more tests. So I figured, it would make sense, to
> give them more meaningful names, so one can make an educated guess
> from the name what they are about.
> Plus, it prevents name clashes and allows to easier handle local
> patches. I have a bunch of local patches laying around, that each
> wants to add test100.in and .ok and once I go through my patch queue,
> it gets more and more likely, that a patch can't be applied, because
> of that.
> BTW: is there a reason, not to make the Test Makefile use wildcard
> expansion to find all relevant tests? (i.e. something like this:
> SCRIPTS = $(subst in,out,$(wildcard test*.in))
> Well, I just see, this would need a couple of more changes, to exclude
> the test*a.in files, but should be reasonable, I think.
> (Not sure if this is really workable on non GNU Systems).

Here is a patch, that

1) documents the contents of the testfiles.
   (the README was generated by the first couple of lines of each 
   test*.in file)
2) uses wildcard with the main (Unix) Makefile
3) renames a couple of tests, so that wildcards can be used more easily
4) changes test50 to check for a windows system
5) does not include test100 yet ;(


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diff --git a/src/testdir/test71a.in b/src/testdir/71a_test.in
rename from src/testdir/test71a.in
rename to src/testdir/71a_test.in
diff --git a/src/testdir/Make_vms.mms b/src/testdir/Make_vms.mms
--- a/src/testdir/Make_vms.mms
+++ b/src/testdir/Make_vms.mms
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
 .SUFFIXES : .out .in
 SCRIPT = test1.out  test2.out  test3.out  test4.out  test5.out  \
-	 test6.out  test7.out  test8.out  test9.out  test10a.out\
+	 test6.out  test7.out  test8.out  test9.out  vms_test10a.out \
 	 test13.out test14.out test15.out test17.out \
 	 test18.out test19.out test20.out test21.out test22.out \
 	 test23.out test24.out test26.out \
diff --git a/src/testdir/Makefile b/src/testdir/Makefile
--- a/src/testdir/Makefile
+++ b/src/testdir/Makefile
@@ -11,26 +11,7 @@
 # VALGRIND = valgrind --tool=memcheck --leak-check=yes --num-callers=15 --log-file=valgrind.$*
-SCRIPTS = test1.out test2.out test3.out test4.out test5.out test6.out \
-		test7.out test8.out test9.out test10.out test11.out \
-		test12.out test13.out test14.out test15.out test17.out \
-		test18.out test19.out test20.out test21.out test22.out \
-		test23.out test24.out test25.out test26.out test27.out \
-		test28.out test29.out test30.out test31.out test32.out \
-		test33.out test34.out test35.out test36.out test37.out \
-		test38.out test39.out test40.out test41.out test42.out \
-		test43.out test44.out test45.out test46.out test47.out \
-		test48.out test49.out test51.out test52.out test53.out \
-		test54.out test55.out test56.out test57.out test58.out \
-		test59.out test60.out test61.out test62.out test63.out \
-		test64.out test65.out test66.out test67.out test68.out \
-		test69.out test70.out test71.out test72.out test73.out \
-		test74.out test75.out test76.out test77.out test78.out \
-		test79.out test80.out test81.out test82.out test83.out \
-		test84.out test85.out test86.out test87.out test88.out \
-		test89.out test90.out test91.out test92.out test93.out \
-		test94.out test95.out test96.out test97.out test98.out \
-		test99.out
+SCRIPTS := $(subst in,out,$(wildcard test*.in))
 SCRIPTS_GUI = test16.out
diff --git a/src/testdir/README b/src/testdir/README
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/testdir/README
@@ -0,0 +1,788 @@
+First a simple test to check if the test script works.
+If Vim was not compiled with the +eval feature, the small.vim script will be
+set to copy the test.ok file to test.out, so that it looks like the test
+succeeded.  Otherwise an empty small.vim is written.  small.vim is sourced by
+tests that require the +eval feature or other features that are missing in the
+small version.
+If Vim was not compiled with the +windows feature, the tiny.vim script will be
+set like small.vim above.  tiny.vim is sourced by tests that require the
++windows feature or other features that are missing in the tiny version.
+If Vim was not compiled with the +multi_byte feature, the mbyte.vim script will
+be set like small.vim above.  mbyte.vim is sourced by tests that require the
++multi_byte feature.
+Similar logic is applied to the +mzscheme feature, using mzscheme.vim.
+Similar logic is applied to the +lua feature, using lua.vim.
+This is a test if a URL is recognized by "gf", with the cursor before and
+after the "://".  Also test ":\\".
+Test for 'cindent'
+Test for autocommand that changes current buffer on BufEnter event.
+Check if modelines are interpreted for the correct buffer.
+Test for autocommand that deletes the current buffer on BufLeave event.
+Also test deleting the last buffer, should give a new, empty buffer.
+Test for autocommand that redefines the argument list, when doing ":all".
+Test for autocommand that changes the buffer list, when doing ":ball".
+Test for BufWritePre autocommand that deletes or unloads the buffer.
+Test for BufUnload autocommand that unloads all other buffers.
+Test for Bufleave autocommand that deletes the buffer we are about to edit.
+Test for 'errorformat'.  This will fail if the quickfix feature was disabled.
+Tests for autocommands:
+- FileWritePre		writing a compressed file
+- FileReadPost		reading a compressed file
+- BufNewFile		reading a file template
+- BufReadPre		decompressing the file to be read
+- FilterReadPre		substituting characters in the temp file
+- FilterReadPost	substituting characters after filtering
+- FileReadPre		set options for decompression
+- FileReadPost		decompress the file
+Note: This test is skipped if "gzip" is not available.
+$GZIP is made empty, "-v" would cause trouble.
+Use a FileChangedShell autocommand to avoid a prompt for "Xtestfile.gz" being
+modified outside of Vim (noticed on Solaris).
+Tests for 'directory' option.
+- ".", in same dir as file
+- "./dir", in directory relative to file
+- "dir", in directory relative to current dir
+Tests for autocommands on :close command
+Write three files and open them, each in a window.
+Then go to next window, with autocommand that deletes the previous one.
+Do this twice, writing the file.
+Also test deleting the buffer on a Unload event.  If this goes wrong there
+will be the ATTENTION prompt.
+Also test changing buffers in a BufDel autocommand.  If this goes wrong there
+are ml_line errors and/or a Crash.
+Tests for "vaBiB", end could be wrong.
+Also test ":s/pat/sub/" with different ~s in sub.
+Also test for ^Vxff and ^Vo123 in Insert mode.
+Also test "[m", "]m", "[M" and "]M"
+Also test search()
+Tests for :right on text with embedded TAB.
+Also test formatting a paragraph.
+Also test undo after ":%s" and formatting.
+Tests for resetting "secure" flag after GUI has started.
+For KDE set a font, empty 'guifont' may cause a hang.
+Tests for:
+- "gf" on ${VAR},
+- ":checkpath!" with various 'include' settings.
+Tests for not doing smart indenting when it isn't set.
+Tests for "r<Tab>" with 'smarttab' and 'expandtab' set/not set.
+Also test that dv_ works correctly
+Tests Blockwise Visual when there are TABs before the text.
+First test for undo working properly when executing commands from a register.
+Also test this in an empty buffer.
+Tests for [ CTRL-I with a count and CTRL-W CTRL-I with a count
+Tests for file with some lines ending in CTRL-M, some not
+Tests for complicated + argument to :edit command
+Tests for regexp with backslash and other special characters inside []
+Also test backslash for hex/octal numbered character.
+Test for jumping to a tag with 'hidden' set, with symbolic link in path of tag.
+This only works for Unix, because of the symbolic link.
+Test for :execute, :while and :if
+Test for expanding file names
+Test for sourcing a file with CTRL-V's at the end of the line
+Test for joining lines and marks in them
+ in compatible and nocompatible modes
+ and with 'joinspaces' set or not
+ and with 'cpoptions' flag 'j' set or not
+Test for a lot of variations of the 'fileformats' option
+Note: This test will fail if "cat" is not available.
+Test for commands that close windows and/or buffers:
+Test for insert expansion
+:se cpt=.,w
+* add-expands (word from next line) from other window
+* add-expands (current buffer first)
+* Local expansion, ends in an empty line (unless it becomes a global expansion)
+* starts Local and switches to global add-expansion
+:se cpt=.,w,i
+* i-add-expands and switches to local
+* add-expands lines (it would end in an empty line if it didn't ignored it self)
+:se cpt=kXtestfile
+* checks k-expansion, and file expansion (use Xtest11 instead of test11,
+* because TEST11.OUT may match first on DOS)
+:se cpt=w
+* checks make_cyclic in other window
+:se cpt=u nohid
+* checks unloaded buffer expansion
+* checks adding mode abortion
+:se cpt=t,d
+* tag expansion, define add-expansion interrupted
+* t-expansion
+Test for 'lisp'
+If the lisp feature is not enabled, this will fail!
+Test for user functions.
+Also test an <expr> mapping calling a function.
+Also test that a builtin function cannot be replaced.
+Test Ctrl-A and Ctrl-X, which increment and decrement decimal, hexadecimal,
+and octal numbers.
+Test character classes in regexp using regexpengine 0, 1, 2.
+Test for 'scrollbind'. <erals...@computer.org>   Do not add a line below!
+Test Virtual replace mode.
+Test Visual block mode commands
+And test "U" in Visual mode, also on German sharp S.
+Test for "*Cmd" autocommands
+Test for writing and reading a file of over 100 Kbyte
+1 line: "This is the start"
+3001 lines: "This is the leader"
+1 line: "This is the middle"
+3001 lines: "This is the trailer"
+1 line: "This is the end"
+Test for writing and reading a file starting with a BOM
+Tests for regexp with various magic settings.
+Tests for regexp with multi-byte encoding and various magic settings.
+Test matchstr() with a count and multi-byte chars.
+See test99 for exactly the same test with re=2.
+Tests for folding. 
+Tests for multi-line regexps with ":s". 
+Tests for vertical splits and filler lines in diff mode
+This is a test of 'virtualedit'.
+This is a test of the script language.
+If after adding a new test, the test output doesn't appear properly in
+test49.failed, try to add one ore more "G"s at the line ending in "test.out"
+Test for shortpathname ':8' extension.
+Only for use on Win32 systems!
+Tests for ":highlight". 
+Tests for reading and writing files with conversion for Win32.
+Tests for string and html text objects. 
+Note that the end-of-line moves the cursor to the next test line.
+Also test match() and matchstr()
+Some tests for buffer-local autocommands
+Tests for List and Dictionary types.     
+Test for script-local function.     
+Tests for :sort command.     
+Tests for spell checking.     
+Tests for spell checking with 'encoding' set to "utf-8".  
+Tests for the exists() function.  
+Tests for undo tree.
+Since this script is sourced we need to explicitly break changes up in
+undo-able pieces.  Do that by setting 'undolevels'.
+Also tests :earlier and :later.
+Tests for tab pages
+Test for ":match", ":2match", ":3match", "clearmatches()", "getmatches()",
+"matchadd()", "matcharg()", "matchdelete()", and "setmatches()".
+Test for regexp patterns without multi-byte support.
+See test95 for multi-byte tests.
+A pattern that gives the expected result produces OK, so that we know it was
+actually tried.
+Test for floating point and logical operators.
+Test for visual block shift and tab characters.
+Test that groups and patterns are tested correctly when calling exists() for
+Test for text formatting.
+Results of test68:
+Test for multi-byte text formatting.
+Also test, that 'mps' with multibyte chars works.
+And test "ra" on multi-byte characters.
+Also test byteidx() and byteidxcomp()
+Smoke test for MzScheme interface and mzeval() function
+Test for encryption.
+The test data is in another file to avoid problems with 'encoding', especially
+Tests for undo file.
+Since this script is sourced we need to explicitly break changes up in
+undo-able pieces.  Do that by setting 'undolevels'.
+Tests for find completion.
+" Tests for storing global variables in the .viminfo file 
+Tests for maparg().
+Tests for completefunc/omnifunc. 
+Inserts 2 million lines with consecutive integers starting from 1
+(essentially, the output of GNU's seq 1 2000000), writes them to Xtest
+and writes its cksum to test.out.
+We need 2 million lines to trigger a call to mf_hash_grow().  If it would mess
+up the lines the checksum would differ.
+cksum is part of POSIX and so should be available on most Unixes.
+If it isn't available then the test will be skipped.
+Inserts 10000 lines with text to fill the swap file with two levels of pointer
+blocks.  Then recovers from the swap file and checks all text is restored.
+We need about 10000 lines of 100 characters to get two levels of pointer
+Test for *sub-replace-special* and *sub-replace-expression* on :substitute.
+Test for submatch() on :substitue.
+Test for *:s%* on :substitute.
+Test for *sub-replace-special* and *sub-replace-expression* on substitue().
+Test for submatch() on substitue().
+Test for *:s%* on :substitute.
+Test for t movement command and 'cpo-;' setting
+Tests for case-insensitive UTF-8 comparisons (utf_strnicmp() in mbyte.c)
+Also test "g~ap".
+Tests for tag search with !_TAG_FILE_ENCODING.
+Tests for curswant not changing when setting an option
+Test for Lua interface and luaeval() function
+Tests for various python features.     
+NOTE: This will cause errors when run under valgrind.
+This would require recompiling Python with:
+  ./configure --without-pymalloc
+See http://svn.python.org/view/python/trunk/Misc/README.valgrind?view=markup
+Tests for various python features.     
+vim: set ft=vim
+Tests for correct display (cursor column position) with +conceal and
+- Some tests for setting 'number' and 'relativenumber'
+  This is not all that useful now that the options are no longer reset when
+  setting the other.
+- Some tests for findfile() function
+Tests for sha256() function.    
+Tests for getbufvar(), getwinvar(), gettabvar() and gettabwinvar().
+Tests if :mksession saves cursor columns correctly in presence of tab and 
+multibyte characters when fileencoding=utf-8.
+Tests if :mksession saves cursor columns correctly in presence of tab and 
+multibyte characters when fileencoding=latin1.
+Test for Visual mode and operators
+Tests for the two kinds of operations: Those executed with Visual mode
+followed by an operator and those executed via Operator-pending mode. Also
+part of the test are mappings, counts, and repetition with the . command.
+Test cases:
+- Visual modes (v V CTRL-V) followed by an operator; count; repeating
+- Visual mode maps; count; repeating
+  - Simple
+  - With an Ex command (custom text object)
+- Operator-pending mode maps
+  - Simple
+  - With Ex command moving the cursor
+  - With Ex command and Visual selection (custom text object)
+- Patch 7.3.879: Properly abort Ex command in Operator-pending mode
+Test for regexp patterns with multi-byte support, using utf-8.
+See test64 for the non-multi-byte tests.
+A pattern that gives the expected result produces OK, so that we know it was
+actually tried.
+This will test for problems in quickfix:
+A. incorrectly copying location lists which caused the location list to show a
+   different name than the file that was actually being displayed.
+B. not reusing the window for which the location list window is opened but
+   instead creating new windows.
+C. make sure that the location list window is not reused instead of the window
+   it belongs to.
+Note: to debug a problem comment out the last ":b 1" in a test and testing will
+stop at this point.
+Test whether glob()/globpath() return correct results with certain escaped
+Test for 'scrollbind' causing an unexpected scroll of one of the windows.
+Tests for regexp with multi-byte encoding and various magic settings.
+Test matchstr() with a count and multi-byte chars.
+See test44 for exactly the same test with re=1.
diff --git a/src/testdir/test17a.in b/src/testdir/gf_test17.in
rename from src/testdir/test17a.in
rename to src/testdir/gf_test17.in
diff --git a/src/testdir/test17.in b/src/testdir/test17.in
--- a/src/testdir/test17.in
+++ b/src/testdir/test17.in
@@ -38,8 +38,8 @@
-	${CDIR}/test17a.in
-	$TDIR/test17a.in
+	${CDIR}/gf_test17.in
+	$TDIR/gf_test17.in
 :" check for 'include' without \zs or \ze
diff --git a/src/testdir/test50.in b/src/testdir/test50.in
--- a/src/testdir/test50.in
+++ b/src/testdir/test50.in
@@ -3,6 +3,11 @@
 :so small.vim
+:if !(has("win32") || has("win16") || has("win64") || has("win95"))
+:e! test50.ok
+:w! test.out
 :fun! TestIt(file, bits, expected)
 	let res=fnamemodify(a:file,a:bits)
 	if a:expected == ''
diff --git a/src/testdir/test71.in b/src/testdir/test71.in
--- a/src/testdir/test71.in
+++ b/src/testdir/test71.in
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 :so small.vim
 :set enc=latin1
-:r test71a.in
+:r 71a_test.in
 :/^start of text/+1
 :let text_lines = getline('.', line('.') + 2)
 :/^start of cm=zip bytes/+1
diff --git a/src/testdir/test10a.in b/src/testdir/vms_test10a.in
rename from src/testdir/test10a.in
rename to src/testdir/vms_test10a.in
diff --git a/src/testdir/test10a.ok b/src/testdir/vms_test10a.ok
rename from src/testdir/test10a.ok
rename to src/testdir/vms_test10a.ok

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