On 07-Dec-2013 18:02 +0100, Hisashi T Fujinaka wrote:

> I have two columns of text and I just want to replace in one of the two
> columns. For example:
> foo-bar-grill    foo-bar
> 2foo-bar-grill    foo-bar
> and I just want to replace the second foo-bar with moose or something. I
> can visually select either column and then try a search and replace.
> Hitting : will prepopulate with "'<,'>" and so the line will look
> something like: "'<,'>s/foo-bar/moose/".
> No matter what column I select, only the first column gets changed.
> The only google help I get is from wikia and it talks about %V which
> doesn't work for me.
> Is this normal behavior?

Yes, it is, because :substitute always applies to entire lines of the
passed range, regardless of what was selected. You indeed have to use
\%V inside the pattern to further restrict the match:


(or use the vis.vim plugin's :B command).

-- regards, ingo

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