On 2/3/2014 10:25 PM, John Little wrote:
> On Tuesday, February 4, 2014 4:26:07 PM UTC+13, Suresh Govindachar wrote:
  >> I am told that ENABLE_WINDOW_INPUT is disabled for xterm.
  >> Why is this being done?
  > Is that the question you meant to ask?  ENABLE_WINDOW_INPUT is
  > some win32 API flag; it's not used with xterm.  Or are you
  > bumping your report:
  > https://groups.google.com/forum/?hl=en#!topic/vim_dev/ZfEpoxL-j7w

I asked the question I meant to ask. However, I came across the information about ENABLE_WINDOW_INPUT while investigating why resizing worked somewhat when term was win32 and did not work when term was xterm via ConEmu on Windows.

I suspect ConEmu currently communicates changes in sizes the same way win32 console does rather that in some "xterm protocol" way -- if so, the information from ConEmu about changed sizes is not getting to Vim since ENABLE_WINDOW_INPUT is disabled even on Windows when term is xterm.

On Windows, when running Vim inside ConEmu and term is xterm, and ENABLE_WINDOW_INPUT is disabled, how does Vim expect to be informed about changes in sizes? Also, what would happen if ENABLE_WINDOW_INPUT was always true on Windows irrespective of the value of term?


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