Hey folks :)

I just stumbled upon a problem with netrw (which truly is great btw. I
mean netrw is great. The problem: not so much ;) ) and making diffs.
When I use netrw and mark two files, and then do "md" to diff them, I
always get:

        Error detected while processing function <SNR>84_NetrwMarkFileDiff:
        line   12:
        E116: Invalid arguments for function 
        E15: Invalid expression: exists("s:netrwmarkfilelist_{."curbufnr}")

And indeed, line 5853 of autoload/netrw.vim in the current mercurial
checkout of vim's source doesn't look right to me. The line is:

        if exists("s:netrwmarkfilelist_{."curbufnr}")

. I guess it's enough to just remove the ." in the middle of that line.
It certainly makes the md-feature work on my box again.

Did I make a mistake or is this really a problem with netrw?

FWIW: I didn't attach a patch because I thought if that is really the
problem then it's easier for you to just fix that line than to apply a
one-line-patch from me and check that I didn't do anything wrong :)

Best regards,
Felix Herrmann

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