On 30/03/14 20:32, Yasuhiro MATSUMOTO wrote:
index(sprit("こんにちわ世界", "\zs"), "世") should return 5

Now this is interesting.

index() does indeed split on character, not byteboundaries. However, even if
I can do this:

    split("こんにちわ世界", '\zs')

to get this:

    ['こ', 'ん', 'に', 'ち', 'わ', '世', '界']

it still doesn't allow me to do a search for "世界" (i.e. a word) and get the
answer 5. Instead I have to break my search word into individual characters
and then perform a manual character by character comparison - in ViM script.
Absolutely no good for performance, especially if I'm processing big text files.

Incidentally, checking this yielded yet another inconsistency. The reverse of index() is the array subscript operator "[...]" which works directly on strings
to get a character. e.g.

    echo "this is a test"[5]

correctly yields "i". However, if I do this:

    echo "こんにちわ世界"[5]

instead of getting "世" (6th character), it wrongly returns the 6th byte and
gives me "<93>", which I presume is a byte midway through a UTF-8 character

This is not good. These inconsistencies need to be fixed.

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