Bram Moolenaar wrote:
Charles Campbell wrote:

The following line, when in a buffer that vim is displaying:


has the "script R" displayed correctly when the cursor is swept over it
from right to left,
but the "script R" is displayed incorrectly when the cursor is swept
over it from left to right.

I'm using:

Scientific Linux 6.5 (Carbon)
vim 7.4.372
set guifont=Monospace\ Bold\ 12
configure --with-features=huge  --enable-gui=gtk2 --enable-perlinterp
--enable-pythoninterp --enable-cscope
Looks like a problem with the font: the character is wider than the
display cell.  Thus when drawing the character to the right of the
"script R" it erases the rightmost pixels of it.


shows this clearly, unfortunately. The filled block is x2588, and its clear that the R extends into the next display cell's territory, since sweeping the cursor left or right leaves the rightmost bits of the R blotted out. Unfortunately, this isn't the only glyph so affected in the Luxi Mono font.

Chip Campbell

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