On Thu, Mar 26, 2015 at 8:48 PM, Manuel Ortega <mannyvim...@gmail.com> wrote:
> While "git gc" will *sometimes* produce similar results to "git gc
> --aggressive", it very, very often in my experience does not.  This is
> perhaps one of those cases.

--aggressive is really about letting Git go back and giving it a clean
slate about delta choices, rather that aggressively compressing the
data--which is why using this option slows things down considerably.
The default depth settings are quite large with --aggressive, and it
*can* make a big difference, especially if it came from somewhere else
(converted from another source).  It looks like it was really needed
it here--see Jan Larres's email.  In practice though, most
repositories see little benefit, IMHO--the greatly increased running
time of the gc operation wasn't worth the 0-2MB of cost savings that I
often saw.

There was actually discussion of removing the option a while back, but
I'm glad they kept it around for situations like this one.  FWIW, when
it has been useful, running it once was usually good enough.

/me going back to lurk mode now. :-)


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