On 2015-09-08, Gary Johnson wrote:
> On 2015-09-08, Bram Moolenaar wrote:
> > Patch 7.4.857
> > Problem:    Dragging the current tab with the mouse doesn't work properly.
> > Solution:   Take the current tabpage index into account. (Hirohito Higashi)
> > Files:      src/normal.c
> When I update my source from the hg mirror and build, I get this
> error:
>     undefined reference to `pango_shape_full'
> The previous version was 7.4.854.  I'm building this on a Fedora 17
> system.


I guess this would be due to patch 7.4.855:

    patch 7.4.855
    Problem:    GTK: font glitches for combining characters
    Solution:   Use pango_shape_full() instead of pango_shape(). (luchr, PR 


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