On Di, 08 Sep 2015, id4 wrote:

> On 08/09/15 19:06, Bram Moolenaar wrote:
> >Alexnadre (Alexandre?) wrote:
> >
> >>Is there somewhere a list of features that are in development for the
> >>next vim releases?
> >:help todo
> Is there any chance the variable tabstops patch could be included in
> the next release? I wrote the first version about eight years ago,
> so it's about time it made it out of todo.txt and into the released
> code. I really don't understand why it keeps on being ignored when
> other less-requested and far more potentially disruptive changes are
> accepted straight away.


I keep pushing it every once in a while.

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                -- Ludwig Marcuse (Argumente und Rezepte)

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