I'm seeing this.  It's on Solaris, but I'm not sure whether that matters,
or if it does, what aspect does.

    From test_startup_utf8.vim:
    Found errors in Test_read_fifo_utf8():
    function RunTheTest[9]..Test_read_fifo_utf8 line 24: Expected ['テスト', 
'€ÀÈÌÒÙ'] but got []

When I run the RunVim command standalone:

    ../vim -f -u NONE -U NONE --noplugin --not-a-term --cmd "so b" <(cat 

I do in fact get nothing in the buffer, and a warning in the status line

    "/dev/fd/12" [character special][converted][READ ERRORS] 0 lines, 0 

I get the same thing if I remove cp932 from fencs and add ascii, but latin1
gives me something, at least.  Aren't errors in conversion supposed to be
ignored and move vim on to the next entry in fencs, or am I
misunderstanding that whole thing?


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