Danek Duvall wrote:

> I'm seeing this.  It's on Solaris, but I'm not sure whether that matters,
> or if it does, what aspect does.
>     From test_startup_utf8.vim:
>     Found errors in Test_read_fifo_utf8():
>     function RunTheTest[9]..Test_read_fifo_utf8 line 24: Expected ['テスト', 
> '€ÀÈÌÒÙ'] but got []
> When I run the RunVim command standalone:
>     ../vim -f -u NONE -U NONE --noplugin --not-a-term --cmd "so b" <(cat 
> Xtestin)
> I do in fact get nothing in the buffer, and a warning in the status line
>     "/dev/fd/12" [character special][converted][READ ERRORS] 0 lines, 0 
> characters
> I get the same thing if I remove cp932 from fencs and add ascii, but latin1
> gives me something, at least.  Aren't errors in conversion supposed to be
> ignored and move vim on to the next entry in fencs, or am I
> misunderstanding that whole thing?

It is supposed to work.  No idea why it fails in your situation.
Would require debugging (or adding some printf's).

How To Keep A Healthy Level Of Insanity:
18. When leaving the zoo, start running towards the parking lot,
    yelling "run for your lives, they're loose!!"

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