On Mon, Aug 22, 2016 at 2:29 PM, Bram Moolenaar <b...@moolenaar.net> wrote:
> David Fishburn wrote:
>> On Sat, Aug 20, 2016 at 12:37 PM, Bram Moolenaar <b...@moolenaar.net> wrote:
>> >
>> > Patch 7.4.2231
>> > Problem:    ":oldfiles" output is a very long list.
>> > Solution:   Add a pattern argument. (Coot, closes #575)
>> >
>> >
>> I was wondering if something similar to this could be added to the :let
>> command (though it has a lot of permutations).
>> I can do the following:
>>     :let g:
>> I would love to do the following:
>>     :let g:loaded_db\w\+
>> And return only those matching variables.
> Are we going to get this request for any command with a long output
> list?
> Perhaps we better add a generic way to filter the output.  Unfortunately
> we can't use "command | grep /pattern/".  Not all commands accept
> another command following.  We could put it in front:
>         filter /pattern/ command
> It's like a command modifier then.  But one with an argument.
> Note that the filtering would happen line-by-line, thus if there is an
> item that takes several lines only matching ones would show up.

Why not use the conventions already built-in to Vim, i.e., ":global"?
If :read was enhanced to take a colon-prefixed Vim command:

    :read :let

all of these requests would be satisfied implicitly, as well as fix a
long-standing omission of :read. And it also re-uses existing Vim
concepts (":global" + buffer manipulation) instead of inventing new
workarounds like :filter.

Enhancing :read to treat colon-prefixed commands as Vim commands is
analogous to the way read treats !-prefixed commands.

Justin M. Keyes

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