I'm using VIM 8.0 and set the option: "set cscopequickfix=s-,c-,d-,i-,t-,e-"
vim will prompt "E484: Can't open file /tmp/vxxxxx/n" occasionally if I'm not 
root user.

when set above option, vim will generate a temp directory under /tmp, I found 
the temp direcoty was deleted every time when the fault was occurred.

after checking source code, the suspecious place is in function: vim_tempname

    if (vim_tempdir != NULL)
    /* There is no need to check if the file exists, because we own the
     * directory and nobody else creates a file in it. */
    sprintf((char *)itmp, "%s%ld", vim_tempdir, temp_count++);
    return vim_strsave(itmp);

if the vim_tempdir is deleted by unknown operation/process, then vim will fault 
due to it not checking this temp directory before writing it, maybe we need to 
check vim_tempdir here, if it's not accessable, we build another temp directory.

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