I am wandering what is the logic behind deleting something using visual
block. In particular, the case when the cursor which denotes the lower
right-hand side corner of the block ends up on a space that got "expanded"
up to the end of the screen line due to 'linebreak' setting. I am talking
about an example from the test case in Test_virtual_block() func in
test_listlbr.vim. The buffer consists of lines: "Remove: this not" and "remove:
aaaaaaaaaaaaa". The window width is 20 and line 2 is one char longer so it
is wrapped. Due to lbr setting, it is not split after the 20th char but
after the space. So the screen layout is something like this:

Remove: this not    | line 1
remove:             | line 2, the first part
*+*aaaaaaaaaaaaa      | line 2, the wrapped part with sbr='*+*' indicator

In screen line 2, just after the colon, there is one real space which is
followed by a sequence of (fictious) padding screen spaces up to the window
border. We begin highlighting a visual block at the 'R' in line 1. Then,
denoting lower light-hand side of our block, we let the cursor stand at the
space in line 2 just after the colon (see the red coloring). What's
highlighted is this: "Remove: " in line 1 and "remove: " in line 2. Now we
press 'd' to delete the selection.

Currently (as the test case suggests), the buffer ends up with line 1
containing "this not" and line 2 containig the "aaaaaaaaaaaaa". So the real
space in line 2 got deleted together with the rest of the screen line -
with the fictious padding spaces.

According to the source code, the "linebreaked" space is looked upon as a
char with size 13 instead of 1. And (like with a tab) if one part of a char
is in the block and the rest lies outside, the char is usually replaced
with a string of spaces of apropriate size and then split into two parts
(interior and external) and then the one part which is in the block is
deleted together with the rest of the selection. So how come the external
part of our linebreaked space got deleted too? And if this is really a
feature and not something undesired then why the visual block highlighting
(just before the deleting) does not correspond exactly to what gets
deletedt? Why this differs from another situation, when the cursor stands
on a tab character and 'v' is pressed to begin selection and the *whole*
length of the tab char is highlighted, not only the firs (or last) space?

The most important thing for me is to be able to programatically figure when
(in general) a space should be deleted together with it's lbr-padding and
when the corresponding external part od padding should stay in the buffer.

Thanks in advance for any comments.



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