In addition to what Gary said, I'd mention that binary files (files read
with e.g. :e ++bin filename.ext) and files where ":setlocal nofixeol" has
been set (which is not the default) will be written with an incomplete last
line if 'noeol' was set either at read-time (because no EOL was found on
the last line) or later (e.g. manually). No matter whether or not 'tist' is
set or whether or not 'listchars' includes a visible EOL (the default is
eol:$, I use eol:ΒΆ) or a blank EOL (set e.g. by eol:\  with a
backslash-escaped space, or by omitting the eol: suboption altogether):
'list' and 'listchars' are only for display purposes, and, as Gary said,
they are one possible way to notice that there is whitespace at the end of
a line.

Best regards,

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