As a first approach I have used what TypeScript does.  However,
considering the feedback I have received, it's not very consistent and
has a few surprising sides.

One thing is that the "||" and "&&" operators do not result in a boolean
true or false, but the argument value.  This is nice for something like:

        var name = Getname() || 'unknown'

When the result of Getname() is falsy (null or empty) then the result
is "unknown".

However, when the result should be a boolean, this does not work:

        var flag: bool = Getname() || false

On top of that, the order matters, this works:

        var flag: bool = Getname() && true

But this doesn't:

        var flag: bool = true && Getname()

That is unexpected if you consider && to be a boolean expression.

Therefore, I'm going to make && and || have a boolean result again.
I think that is the easiest to understand, and what most languages do.

For the first example, we can use a new operator which is specifically
for testing an expression to be falsy and using a replacement:

        var name = Getname() ?? 'unknown'

Let me know if you have comments.

One difference between a man and a machine is that a machine is quiet
when well oiled.

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
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