
I have a tester for netrw which I was using to try to verify netrw before it gets sent out.

Its failing at an odd place; it issues a <F1> key to obtain help. When I run the test with just the one script, the help shows 18 lines, a separator, 3 lines from the file, and a separator; the file shown is where I launched the help request. However, sometimes it shows 20 lines - separator - 1 line - separator, sometimes 19 lines - separator - 2 lines - separator. Vim didn't used to be so mercurial about how many lines of help it showed. Is there an option now that I can set to tell vim how many lines of help I want shown?

FYI: the <F1> key mapping to help:

nnoremap <buffer> <F1>            :he netrw-quickhelp<cr>

I don't want to change that mapping as its part of netrw.

Chip Campbell

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