On Wed, Aug 9, 2023 at 5:12 AM Christian Brabandt <cbl...@256bit.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> I started making a few changes to continue with Vim. This is the current
> status:
> - Access to the github organization is possible and Ken and me have been
>   granted admin rights by Brams family, so we can continue with Github.
>   (Thanks @Fokke!)
> - I invited a few more members to join the Vim organization: Yegappan
>   Lakshmanan, Dominique Pellé, @mattn and @zeertzjq who have been
>   contributed to Vim in the past. Congratulations and welcome guys! ;)
> - People from the github organization should also have access to
>   huntr.dev (https://huntr.dev/repos/vim/vim/) where security problems
>   are being reported. We'll need to take a look there.
> - I merged the first 2 commits. As mentioned elsewhere, for now I will
>   try to merge only bug fixes, security related fixes, documentation
>   updates and other clear improvements. For the main source of Vim I'll
>   therefore like to have approval from the other project members before
>   merging anything yet. Please expect some bumps here, we need a bit of
>   time until we know how to properly handle all of this (and it may be
>   subject to change, when we all agree of a better method).
> - After we have gone through the current backlog, I'd like to get a Vim
>   9.1 maintenance release ready, until then we should continue with
>   incrementing the minor patch version. After the release, I am thinking
>   about moving to a more modern approach, similar to how Neovim is doing
>   it. But as discussed elsewhere, this may have some consequences for
>   the various subprojects: vim-win32-installer, vim-appimage, macVim, so
>   not sure what will be the best way.
> - I have access to the OSDN.net project page and am able to edit the
>   vim.org homepage. However for various reasons, we may have to move the
>   Vim homepage elsewhere. More on that further down.
> - Bram was owner of the all of the mailing lists. I don't know yet how
>   he managed this and how to request access specifically for
>   vim-announce and vim-mac (is this actually still used?) Does anybody
>   have a contact to the googlegroups admins?
> - The mailing lists vim-dev and vim-use are currently managed by myself,
>   Tony Mechelynk, John Beckett, Ben Schmidt and Ben Fritz (of whom I
>   think the last two are no longer active at least for the Vim project,
>   CC'ing them to see if they are still interested in managing this)
> [snip]
> - I am reaching out to all maintainers of the runtime files, to find out
>   if they have sent anything directly to Bram, which may otherwise be
>   lost. (to be done).
> [snip]
> That should be it for now, i hope I did not forget anything noteworthy.
> Let me know what you think.

Thanks for the CC and I'm certainly very sad to have seen the news about 

And thank you Christian for taking on this leadership role. Yegappan,
Dominique, mattn, and zeertzjq: thanks to you guys too. It's comforting
to see Vim remains in good hands.

You're right, I have gone mostly inactive on the project and it probably
makes sense to take me off the mailing list managers group. You don't
*need* to take me off it, but I will probably not become active enough
to be an effective moderator/list manager in the near-term. In the
longer term, if I do end up finding time to become more active, I work
in InfoSec so I might be able to contribute to the huntr.dev project. I
wasn't aware that existed! I'll reach out on that at some other time.

Something I don't see mentioned in this email is the scan.coverity.com
project for Vim at https://scan.coverity.com/projects/vim. It looks like
you and Dominique are currently the project admins there, do we need to
add a few more (probably everyone in the GitHub organization)? I wonder
if it is possible to set the organization as admin over there, since
there is a "login with GitHub" feature.

I am still interested in maintaining the TOhtml plugin for which I am
the official maintainer, if Vim's development model continues to have
separate maintainers for the distributed plugins. However I will
understand if it is given over to someone more active (or if project
leadership wants a co-maintainer) as I have not been able to contribute
more than a couple bugfixes for the last few years. I have not sent any
unreleased updates to Bram.

If Vim development moves away from separate maintainers for the various
plugins, or if someone ends up taking over, I have been maintaining
TOhtml over at SourceForge where there is still free Mercurial hosting.
This project contains some automated testing (using Vim's own test
framework) which I have been slowly building with each feature addition
and bugfix, and should be part of however the script is maintained in
the future: https://sourceforge.net/projects/vim-tohtml/

If we continue with individual developers, how does the project want to
continue receiving updates? In the past, I would email a zip file
directly to Bram containing whole files. Sometimes I would CC the vim_dev
list. I believe this is how most plugin maintainers were contributing
updates. For now, is it best to just email whole files to vim_dev in the
same way? My apologies if this has already been addressed in another
thread. I didn't see anything while  browsing through the list to check,
but as noted above I haven't been very active of late so I may have
missed something.

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