On Mi, 31 Jan 2024, John Marriott wrote:

> The terminal is VT220 emulation. Is that what you meant?

so $TERM=vt220?

> I don't know about number of colours. How do you determine that?

>From within Vim :set t_Co?

> Anyway, :hi Visual for 9.1.0060 gives:
> Visual   xxxx term=reverse cterm=reverse guibh=LightGrey
> :hi Visual for 9.1.0061+ gives:
> Visual    xxxx xtermfg=15 xtermbg=8 guibg=LightGrey
> I added:
> hi Visual term=reverse cterm=NONE ctermbg=LightGrey guibg=LightGrey to my
> .vimrc and I'm back to normal. Thanks. As for my windows GUI build with this
> patch, my colours have lost the plot entirely. I use a slightly modified
> "evening" colour scheme which usually looks like this: After this patch, it
> looks like this: Adding the removed code from highlight.c fixes it: I hope
> this makes sense. Cheers John

Can you try the following patch please? (this partly restores the old 
behaviour for 8 color terminals):

diff --git a/src/highlight.c b/src/highlight.c
index 85726f828..df2b97c27 100644
--- a/src/highlight.c
+++ b/src/highlight.c
@@ -440,6 +440,8 @@ init_highlight(
     // Clear the attributes, needed when changing the t_Co value.
     if (t_colors <= 8)
+       do_highlight((char_u *)"Visual cterm=reverse ctermbg=NONE",
+            FALSE, TRUE);
        if (*p_bg == 'l')
            do_highlight((char_u *)"Search ctermfg=black", FALSE, TRUE);

problem drinker, n.:
        A man who never buys.

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