On 31-Jan-2024 04:21, John Marriott wrote:

On 31-Jan-2024 03:56, Christian Brabandt wrote:
Can you try the following patch please? (this partly restores the old
behaviour for 8 color terminals):

diff --git a/src/highlight.c b/src/highlight.c
index 85726f828..df2b97c27 100644
--- a/src/highlight.c
+++ b/src/highlight.c
@@ -440,6 +440,8 @@ init_highlight(
      // Clear the attributes, needed when changing the t_Co value.
      if (t_colors <= 8)
+       do_highlight((char_u *)"Visual cterm=reverse ctermbg=NONE",
+            FALSE, TRUE);
         if (*p_bg == 'l')
             do_highlight((char_u *)"Search ctermfg=black", FALSE, TRUE);

Hi Christian,

Yes $TERM=vt220

:set t_Co? from inside vim gives:

I tried your patch and it seems to fix it. I don't understand why though. When I run :set t_Co inside my Windows GUI vim I get t_Co=16777216. If the number of colours is 16M, how can t_colors be <= 8 to affect the outcome?


Wait a minute. I reverted the patch (highlight.c now matches the git repository) and did a complete rebuilt and now it's working?!? What? Maybe my colour problem was caused by something else but it looks ok now. Patch not needed.

Crank call...

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