Does :cc still honor the switchbuf=vsplit setting after this change? 

It’s nested in the PR replies currently but I think I asked whether we need 
this now in this PR and the consensus was to handle it as a horizontal 
split. If people want customizations, that can come in another revision. It 
was a thread with me and @chrisbra if I recall correctly.

I think this changes behavior of switchbuf=uselast 

The logic for 'switchbuf' is untouched in this PR. However windows that 
have 'stickybuf' (soon to be renamed to 'winfixbuf') applied, those windows 
are excluded as candidates so set switchbuf=uselast won’t accidentally 
switch to them.

On Friday, February 16, 2024 at 6:32:16 PM UTC wrote:

> When there's only one normal window plus a quickfix window: Does :cc still 
> honor the switchbuf=vsplit setting after this change?
> Also I think this changes behavior of switchbuf=uselast. Is there any 
> explanation added on this?

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