On Sat, Feb 17, 2024 at 8:31 PM Colin Kennedy <colin...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Does :cc still honor the switchbuf=vsplit setting after this change?
> It’s nested in the PR replies currently but I think I asked whether we
> need this now in this PR and the consensus was to handle it as a horizontal
> split. If people want customizations, that can come in another revision. It
> was a thread with me and @chrisbra if I recall correctly.
> I think this changes behavior of switchbuf=uselast
> The logic for 'switchbuf' is untouched in this PR. However windows that
> have 'stickybuf' (soon to be renamed to 'winfixbuf') applied, those
> windows are excluded as candidates so set switchbuf=uselast won’t
> accidentally switch to them.
Well then how about putting a note into switchbuf help saying that it
(vsplit, uselast) does not apply on stickybuf windows?


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