Robin wrote:
> How do you get an acceptable font display in Terminal?  When I set  
> the font to Bitstream Vera Mono - it just looks terrible, even with  
> antialiasing

I guess it depends on your definition of acceptable, or what font  
you're trying to use.

My first choice, coming from Linux, would have been 9x18.pcf, a  
beautiful bitmap font from X11 misc.  I wrestled with FontForge and  
similar programs for a while, trying to convert it into a format  
useable by Terminal or iTerm, but I failed miserably :-(  You can find  
traces of my struggle on FontForge's and Apple's mailing lists.

At last I settled with Andale Mono 15, un-antialiased.  It's not as  
nice as 9x18, but it does the job, and it looks the same on all  
programs I've used it on (Terminal, iTerm, and MacVim.)

Another free nice font is Inconsolata, to be used antialiased:

Are you having this problem only with Bistream Vera Mono?  Do Apple's  
font look different on iTerm than on Terminal?  Maybe it's a problem  
with the specific font, or the way it's been prepared for the Mac.

Most importantly, this is all not very relevant to MacVim ;-)


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