2009/2/23 Yongwei Wu:
> 2009/2/23 Nico Weber:
>>> When I do `open -a MacVim` with this snapshot (Snapshot 43), it just
>>> bounces in the dock and I have to force quit the bouncing icon. This
>>> used to work fine (a few snapshots ago), I could regularly do things
>>> like `open -a MacVim *.txt` in a directory.
>> Hm, works for me. Does this only happen if you use `open`? Does
>> opening MacVim via double-clicking it in the Finder work? Via `mvim`?
>> What's the output of
>>     cat ~/.CFUserTextEncoding
>> ? This sounds a bit like issue 56 ( 
>> http://code.google.com/p/macvim/issues/detail?id=56
>>  , particularly comments 23-26). Perhaps it's just a coincidence this
>> started happening after you installed 43? Does snapshot 42 still work?
> Maybe not.  I am happy to report that since a few snapshots ago this
> issue has ceased to appear on my computer.  Not sure whether it is
> because of an OS update or the MacVim update.

I haven't done anything on purpose to fix this so I'm not sure what
has changed...

> There are still strange things related to locales.  After I start
> MacVim by double-clicking, I can open a new Vim window by clicking on
> the dock icon when there is not an active Vim window.  I cannot do
> this if I first launch MacVim by typing mvim in a terminal.  For some
> reason unknown, the language as indicated by v:lang is zh-CN (Chinese)
> in the former case, but it is en_GB in the latter.

The problem with clicking on the dock has nothing to do with locales.
It is a bug that should have been fixed in snapshot 43 -- can you
please test snap 43 to confirm that it has indeed been fixed?

The fact that the locale depends on how you start MacVim is somehing I
was not aware of however.  I don't know why this happens or what
consequences it may have unfortunately.


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